Competence - oriented learning, teaching and examination in medicine

Since the beginning of the second funding period 2017, the joint project MERLIN is sustained by all five teaching-related competence centers of the medical faculties Baden-Württemberg (Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Tübingen and Ulm).
Coordinated by Tübingen, the Competence Center Evaluation of Teaching in Medicine (Freiburg) is responsible for longitudinal acquisition of competence profiles and the cooperative evaluation of the whole project. The Competence Center for Medical Teaching (Tübingen) works on the competence-oriented curricular development and supporting methods of teaching for students and teachers. The Competence Center of Practical Year (PJ) (Mannheim) works on the consolidation of the seven core competences during the PJ, with a view to the transition to the professional practice, and the Center of Excellence for Assessment in Medicine (Heidelberg) works on the development of a competence-oriented audit program. Lastly, the Competence Center E-Learning (Ulm) focuses on the technical implementation of e-learning content.
More Information:
MERLIN - Medical Education Research - Lehrforschung im Netz BW