MQ II: Set individual priorities

Those who have acquired the advanced qualification in Medical Didactics II (MQ II) in addition to the MQ I certificate are distinguished by their special commitment to teaching. Your individual profile development is supported by the offers for this qualification level. The compact courses deepen specific aspects of basic training, knowledge of "new media" and "new learning/teaching concepts" as well as "examination methods" and promote key competencies. Participation is also possible for teachers who have not (yet) taken part in the Medical Didactics Qualification I, but who have already acquired previous didactic knowledge through other courses.

The requirements for the advanced and supplementary courses Medical Didactics II (advanced) currently comprise 80 units of 45 minutes each and are covered by
1. the compulsory attendance of advanced courses (in total at least 40 units) and
2. the completion of the compulsory voting (at least 40 units) by an individual combination of the following categories (at least 2 different types):
- further advanced courses
- optional subjects⃰ (e.g. teaching project draft, teaching portfolio, educational presentation with didactic reflection or peer observation with didactic expert opinion - guidelines on the services can be requested under medizindidaktik(at)
An accompanying consultation is recommended. For achievements already completed with external providers, an examination for recognition can be requested.
⃰Optional subjects are written works that are produced outside of a course. However, teaching portfolios can only be credited in combination with the attendance of a teaching portfolio course.
There is no fee for the assessment of written work and consultation on content if a course is booked individually, see here.