M1 Examiner Course
You should be able to...
optimize the M1 exams according to the currently valid quality standards, in particular process, tasks and grading.
- Special features of the M1 examiner course
- Quality criteria of an examination
- Exam and grade issues
- From the learning objective to the exam objective
- Blueprint: planning and coordination of a group exam
- Structured exam tasks
- Development of structured oral / practical exam tasks with an extended level and grading
- Use of the examination task and transfer options in practice
- Questions from the participants - final discussion and evaluation
Hands-on principle: processing of own examination tasks for practice, short impulses, practical exercises and discussions on the coordination of standards.
6 teaching units of 45 minutes. Successfully evaluated by the MedizinDidaktikNetz and meets the nationally recognized quality criteria.
Free of charge for members of the faculty Tübingen. Price on request.
Kompetenzzentrum für Hochschuldidaktik in Medizin, Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 10, 72076 Tübingen.
Inhouse courses are possible on request.
Number of Participants:
Maximum 16 Participants